Welcome to

Professor Do Wan Kim's HomePage

Department of Mathematics

Inha University, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Words of the day:
Today, the best moment in my life.

Cinque Terre(Italy 2017)Pisa Tower(Italy 2017)

Contact Information:
Do Wan Kim (Professor)

Inha University,
Department of Mathematics (Secretariat Room No: 5N211),
Inha-ro 100, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea

(Office) +82-32-860-7639
(Cell) +82-10-4322-4090
(Fax) +82-32-874-5615

(E-mail) dokim@inha.ac.kr

Research topics of interest


Conferences and Workshops


Professional Experiences
